Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wheels back in Motion

         Leisure activities such as reading, writing, and drawing have gotten back on the menu! I have dabbled in all in the past but in college my time was always squeezed with plans so I couldn’t properly dive into any of them. When I would get in the main door of the dorm at school it would often take me an hour or more to actually get into my room. I would stop by a few friends’ rooms, played a few matches of FIFA, try some grossly unhealthy snacks, or watch part of a movie with another friend. It is a bit of a self inflicted barrier. Here it is a stark contrast as I walk in the door and after a few “Holas” and a bit of conversing I can get right into my writing.
    I think often on my walks home and sometimes I have a conclusion when I reach my laptop, it is grand to be putting thoughts down again. I often think of it as the equivalent (sorry for yet another HP reference) of Dumbledore’s pensive where he puts his memories so that his mind is free to properly experience the present. My documents on my computer are stacking up rapidly. I seem to jot down a lot of thoughts and the ones that are good stay there in my mind and I go back and work on them, other thoughts fall through the cracks but I save them on another document anyway and leave the door open for me come back to them later. It is a process reminiscent of panning for gold as you let the sand and mud sift through and hopefully at the end you’ll have a nugget sitting in your basket. That nugget may be rough at first but I work at it and refine it (in this case reword it) until I feel good enough about it to put it out there. These thoughts vary all the way from Jesus, to society, to psychology, to music… a fairly wide array but I always enjoy the challenging art of trying to fit ideas into words and then offering them in a way that others will resonate with.

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